Guchiry Wiki

Album cover

"What do you imagine between dream and reality?"— Description from the crossfade video

Yume Monogatari(ゆめものがたり) (夢物語 Dream Story[?]) is an album produced by Guchiry that he considers to contain the best songs he made.[1] It includes different songs produced by Guchiry throughout his first 5 years as a producer. It was released on November 19, 2023.

The album contains 20 songs and 1 bonus track.

Track List[]

  1. Omniscient and omnipotent
  2. Melancholy
  3. Noisy Minority
  4. Psychic Dancers
  5. Laughing clown dances with the devil.
  6. Suicide Note
  7. Heartless One-Man Show
  8. Erica was laid to rest.
  9. Repentance
  10. Disappointment
  11. Orthodoxia
  12. Falling, But Future Life
  13. Abnormality Dancin' Girl
  14. Nitro
  15. Rainy Girl
  16. Schadenfreude
  17. Cherie dreams.
  18. Vanish
  19. Cast a spell
  20. Everyone is Human.
    Bonus Track. Rest in Peace


Cross fade[]

ぐちり 活動5年を振り返る


Guchiri katsudou 5-nen o furikaeru
Zen 20+1-kyoku shuuroku jishin-
Hatsu no besuto arubamu

Yume to gen no ma de kimi wa, nani o omoiegakudarou ka.

Guchiry looking back on 5 years of activity,
Contains 20+1 songs,
My first best album.

What do you imagine between dream and reality?


Cross fade[]


Participating Members[]

External Links[]




  • Description of the album is a direct reference to the song Bouquet say Good-bye.[2]
  • In 2024 the album is planned to released on subscription services.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 雑談、曲についてとか話しながらご飯食べる / 自由にやります 59:06
    "ただ、今は最新作のベストアルバムをみんな聴いてください。多分来年中にはサブスクリプションも解放、解禁されると思うので。まだ手続きしてないんであれなんですけどね。/But for now, please listen to the latest best album. I think the subscription will probably be released within the next year."
  2. Bouquet say Good-bye
    "「夢と現の間で君は、」「何を思い描くだろうか。」/"What do you imagine," "between dream and reality?" "