Tadashi Kunai (苦無 正 Kunai Tadashi [?]) is an original character by Guchiry, and protagonist of the song Orthodoxia.
He is a guru who founded a new religion in a rural village. All other personal information about him is confidential and is a mystery.[1][2]
He seems to have organized his organization based on the Cult of the Abandoned City, but he has changed it to fit his selfishness, which eventually led to his execution by the villagers.[3][4]
Tadashi has a tall,[5] skinny figure with pale skin and black hair. In the Uzoumuzou cover, his hair is long and in a low ponytail, but in the Orthodoxia music video, his hair is much shorter. On both sides of his face, two pieces of his hair are separated from his ponytail and has a short piece of hair in the middle which is sometimes swept to the left. His eyes are closed most of the time, but when they are open, the iris is pitch black with his eyes mostly being narrow. In one scene of Orthodoxia, when he is smiling, his teeth are seen as sharp. In Orthodoxia his nails are also long and sharp, however on the Uzoumuzou cover and on his dakimakura, it's short.
He wears an all black cassock, which is a full-length garment of a single color worn by Christian clergy, members of church choirs, acolytes, and others that has some sort of role in the church.
In Fallin' Dead Relive Life, Tadashi wears a high ponytail and has two black goat horns and a tail with red spikes. He wears a black robe lined with gold with gold epaulettes on each shoulder. The underside of his clothes are red. And in School classroom in a black uniform and with a black ponytail
On the outside, Tadashi is a charismatic man, though his true nature is much different. He is a selfish and manipulative megalomaniac with psychopathic tendencies. Even when he is about to die, he smiles with no regrets. Initially, he was not behaved so abhorrently.
She inspired him to create his own cult, however she didn't participate in it whatsoever.[6] Tadashi thinks Astraea is a scary, but an amazing person.[7] Meanwhile, Astraea doesn't care about Tadashi, viewing him as a common insect like other humans except Crowley and Mercedes.[2][8][9] Astraea smiles at his death, thinking about how it will make Crowley's life better.[7]
Tadashi (正[?]) means "correct" or "right".
Kunai (苦無[?]) is a "ninja throwing knife" or a "medieval tool for digging". Ku (苦[?]) means "suffering" or "hardship" while Nai (無[?]) means "nothingness".
His name is referencing the word Tadashikunai (正しくない[?]), which means "incorrect" or "not right".
In a ruined city where another religion takes place, he had a dream: “Be the one to lead others." He doesn't remember anything except that he was told those words, so he relied on them to try and help the weak. He followed the trend of new religions, and claimed to be the founder of his own religion, claiming that he was the rightful messenger for God. The people did as he said, and follow his instructions. In a closed and exclusive environment, he established a system of control that was not a religious group in his name only. However, this did not last long. The once charismatic and revered young man, became more and more arrogant every day. People eventually grew dissatisfied with his, but he wasn't aware of this and kept ordering people to do what he wanted.
In reality, the words he heard were lies. He was deceiving people with his own performances of miracles, saying he was helping the weak. The truth is that a young man who planned to take advantage of poverty and hardship was using rumors of miracles by a cult he had heard about. When the villagers cornered him, he begged for his life and told the truth, but he ended up being slaughtered.
- His name is a pseudonym, his true name is unknown.
- He made an appearance in Fallin' Dead Relive Life.
- He was also featured in an Excerpt from Conspiracy Theory.
- Him and Jinsei Owatarou are the only known characters to have pseudonyms and their real name being unknown.
- His religion has no name and is based in a rural village.[4]
- Aise and Hima decided his name.[10]

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- ↑ https://twitter.com/bomless_race2/status/1602954650655010816
"相手の欲しい言葉をかけてたらしいです。 嫌いなもの含めて、彼の素性は謎です。/It seems like he says what the other person wants. His identity, including what he dislikes, is a mystery." - ↑ 2.0 2.1 https://twitter.com/bomless_race2/status/1417491416721276941
"・アストレアは苦無正のことをマジでなんとも思ってない(そこらへんの虫とかのレベル)/・Astraea really doesn't care about Tadashi Kunai (at the level of a common insect)"
"・苦無正の素性は明かされてないって言うけど、これはマジで出自が不明/・They say that Tadashi Kunai identity has not been revealed, but his origin is really unknown." - ↑ Translation Source
Orthodoxia Commentary - ↑ 4.0 4.1 https://bomless-race-characters.localinfo.jp/posts/48671059
"片田舎村の名も無き新興宗教を立ち上げた教祖。 その素性から出自、すべてに至る個人情報が不明。 廃退都市の新興宗教を参考に組織体制を編成していたようだが、その構図は次第に彼自身の利己的な図式へと変化していき、やがて多くの反感を買うこととなる。 その最期は、村の人々による集団私刑であった。/The founder of a nameless new religion in a rural village. All personal information, including his identity and origins, is unknown. It seems that he was organizing an organization based on the new religion of the desolate city, but that structure gradually changed to his own selfish scheme, and he soon received a lot of backlash. The end was a mass lynching by the villagers." - ↑ https://twitter.com/bomless_race2/status/1602960505546866688
"多分正はそれなりに高そう(盛ってるのもありそう)/The Tadashi probably seems to be quite tall (there seems to be a lot of it as well)." - ↑ https://twitter.com/bomless_race2/status/1602955400747585536
"アストレアは正に対して特に何もしていません。「こんな話があるよ」程度に唆しただけです。その後アストレアは彼の死に際まで関与しません。/Astraea didn't do anything special to Tadashi. She just suggested to them, "There's a story like this." After that, Astraea doesn't get involved until his death." - ↑ 7.0 7.1 https://twitter.com/bomless_race2/status/1710198887066300883
"正→アストレア 怖いけどなんかすげえ人/Tadashi→ Astraea. She is scary, but she's kind of an amazing person."
"アストレア→正 ガチ無関心/Astraea→ Tadashi. Really indifferent."
"正の死に際のアストレアの内心 (これでクロちゃんの生活が豊かになるぞウキウキルンルンの笑顔、正のことガチ何も思ってない)/Astraea's inner feelings at the time of Tadashi's death. (This will make Cro-chan's life richer. Her smiling face doesn't really care about Tadashi)." - ↑ https://twitter.com/bomless_race2/status/1670866039847145472
"アストレアからしたら正なんて有象無象の人間の1人でしかないし羽虫も同然なんだから/From Astraea's point of view, Tadashi is just one of the unimaginable humans, and he's no better than a winged insect." - ↑ https://twitter.com/bomless_race2/status/1417494039771889670
"・アストレアはクローリィ以外のことは基本なんとも思ってないけど、いつも周囲にいるメルセデスとかのことは結構気にかけるようになった/・Astraea doesn't really care about anything other than Crowley, but she's started to care a lot about people like Mercedes, who is always around her." - ↑ https://bsky.app/profile/bomless-race.bsky.social/post/3lb64f5yhuk24"彼の名前は、当時ぐちりが仕事している間に藍瀬と暇が決めてくれて、俺は「おーいいねそれ」って言った係でした / His name was decided by Aise and Hima while Guchiri was working, and I was the one who said "Oh, that's a good name.""