Sari Sasasori (笹反 サリ Sasasori Sari [?]) is an original character by Guchiry and the protagonist of the song Anti-Reversi.
A girl who fell in love with “hostility”.[1]
Sari has long, messy, uneven, red hair and bangs that go past her eyes. Her hair is in two parts with both going over her shoulder, reaching her hips.
She has red eyes, eye bags, and a black face mask. She wears a greyish-green hoodie over a white dress shirt. Over this, she wears a open black blazer. She often has a frustrated expression.
Sari is hostile to everyone around her and feels superior from criticizing and denying others. Because of this she is isolated from and generally hates everyone, with the exception of Mio.[2][3] Sari is shown to often be disobeying authority, with a notable example being her not following the dress code. She is also one of the only girls to note and criticize the actions in the class, though it is unclear whether or not her criticism is from her genuine dislike for the class or as a coping mechanism for her envy.
In Anti-Reversi, Sari is shown to be a cynical person who often criticizes the way people act; despite that, Sari does not appear to be a bullying person, with her only wanting people to "shut up" and "just disappear". Deep inside, Sari has an inferiority complex and hates people as a way to manage her jealousy and envy; she covers her feelings up by lashing out.
Miya Nanamiya[]
As with everyone, Sari treats Miya and her fans with extreme hostility.[1] However, they are not shown to have a direct relationship.
Mio Oomi[]
After finding out they both hate Miya, Sari feels a sense of camaraderie with her. However, due to Mio loving herself to the point of hating everyone, she doesn't see this or agree with Sari.[2][3]
Sari (サリ[?]) has various meanings depending on the kanji used. Possible combinations include 彩莉 ("to colour jasmine"), 沙梨 ("sand pear"), and 冴璃 ("brilliant crystal").
Sasasori (笹反[?]) literally translates to "bamboo, anti" or "anti-bamboo". "Sasasori" is a rare surname used mostly in Takasaki, Gunma Prefecture. Sori (反[?]) could mean "swidden" or "fallow slash-and-burn cultivation",[4][5] a farming technique where wild or forest land is cleared out to create a field by cutting and burning down plants. This would make "Sasasori" really mean "slash and burn bamboo".
In Gods' Miniature Garden, Sari is a hostile person who lashes out at everything to make herself feel more superior. She extends this hostility to Miya Nanamiya and her circle of fans. Sari soon forms a sense of camaraderie with Mio Oomi, who also hates Miya as she hates people who is loved more than herself; however, Mio doesn't view Sari as a friend.
- Despite knowing she will be "inevitably" interfered because of it, Sari does not adhere to the dress code.
- Sari's image song, Anti-Reversi, has its title based off of the game Anti-Reversi, the alternate version of Reversi. The modern version of Reversi, Othello, has its title based off of Shakespeare's play of the same name. The play revolves around the theme of jealousy, with the main character, Othello, destroying his own life because of envy.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1
"‘‘敵意’’に恋する女の子 他人を非難し否定することで優越感に浸るのが生きがいの女の子 言いがかりやある事ない事なんでも全てを敵意としてぶつけるため、周囲からは孤立している/A girl who falls in love with "hostility". A girl whose purpose in life is to feel superior by criticizing and denying others. She is isolated from those around her because she responds with hostility to anything that is said or is ignored.
"現在の‘‘敵意’’の矛先は、常に‘‘注目’’を浴びている子であり、モデル的な活動もしている彼女の囲いやファンにまで及ぶ/The current "hostility" is directed at the child who is always in the "spotlight" who does model-like activities, and even extends to her enclosure and fans." - ↑ 2.0 2.1
"自己愛が逸脱しており、『常に注目を浴びている子』を憎むまでに至っている 同じ相手を敵視している『敵意を振りまく子』に勝手に仲間意識を持たれているが、当人は眼中にない 自分のことが好き過ぎて他人が嫌いになり、誰一人として心を許すことが出来なくなってしまった/Her self-love is deviant, to the point where she hates "the child who is always in the spotlight". A "child who spreads hostility" who views the same person as an enemy is automatically forming a sense of camaraderie with her, but the person in question does not see it. I love myself so much that I hate others, and I can't forgive anyone." - ↑ 3.0 3.1
"笹反 サリ(ササソリ サリ)/Sari Sasasori (Sasasori Sari)"
"他人を非難し否定することで優越感に浸るのが生きがい。/The purpose of life is to feel superior by criticizing and denying others."
"あることないこと全てを敵意としてぶつけるため周囲との衝突が多く、腫物扱いされている。/Because she is hostile towards everything that is or isn't, she has many conflicts with those around her, and is treated like a tumor."
"近見 ミオ(オオミ ミオ)/Mio Oomi (Oomi Mio)"
"自分のことが好きすぎて自分以外の他人が嫌いになってしまった。/She love herself so much that she starts to hate everyone else."
"自分よりも愛されている存在がより憎く、ミヤ のことが大嫌い。/She hates those who are loved more than herself, and hates Miya." - ↑
"群馬県高崎市。地形。笹のある土地から。ソリは「焼畑」、「休耕中の焼畑」を意味する。群馬県高崎市岩押町に分布あり。/Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture. Terrain. From a land with bamboo grass. "Sori" means "swidden cultivation" or "swidden cultivation that is fallow". Distributed in Iwaoshimachi, Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture. - ↑
"⑦ 休耕中の焼畑地。五、六年穀物を作った焼畑は以後七、八年から一〇年以上も放置しておいて、地力の回復を待って焼いて焼畑地とする。/⑦ Slash-and-burn land that is fallow. The slash-and-burn fields that have been producing grain for five or six years are then left unattended for seven or eight to ten years or more, until the soil has regained its fertility, and then burned to become slash-and-burn fields."