Rushii Kokuyoku or Madoka Shirata (黒翼 るしぃ Kokuyoku Rushii[?], 白田 マドカ Shirota Madoka) or Rushi or Lucy[1] is an original character by Guchiry and protagonist of the song Silver ring.
Rushii Kokuyoku is a name she uses online to post photos of her beautiful facial and hairstyles. She is a massive fan of KID.[2]
In Love from inside the cage, Live Idly, and the beginning of Stupid Liquid, Rushii has violet eyes with heart-shaped pupils that each a blue droplet at the end. She has fanged teeth and a black face mask beneath her chin. She has black medium-length hair tied up in pigtails with blue and purple scrunchies. Her bangs are dyed violet and azure blue in strands, and the bottom of her pigtails are purple with long strands of blue hair curling around them.
On the top of her head, she wears a large black bow with white frills at the ends and underneath. Rushii also wears three pairs of black ear piercings on her ear helix and has a piercing in the middle of her tongue. She wears a black studded choker over a translucent mesh shirt which has a sleeveless, frilled, medium-length black dress with a black corset supported with spaghetti straps and a small bow on it. Rushii also has metal heart and circle shapes beneath her colour and wears black and purple stripped sleeves that aren't apart of her dress. She also wears stockings with garter belts.
At the end of Stupid Liquid, Rushii has a more casual outfit with her hair down with two pony tails but maintains her cyan streaks in her dark purple hair. She wears a plain black choker and less makeup with her eyes maintaining their heart pupils without the teardrop shape and ear piercings. Rushii is wearing a simple purple dress with a bra with ruffles at the bottom and black stockings. Noticeably, she also gains red scars on her left underarm, presumably from self-harm.
She was created as a "visual kei band girl".[3]
Rushii is a somewhat delusional girl who makes up fantasies and assumptions about others and love. She is persistent and feels like she cannot control herself; however, she is self-aware and knows that her pursuits of love are wrong and ridiculous to continue. Despite loving KID, she runs over and stabs him in the stomach at the end of Stupid Liquid after being unable to accept that he dated Solfie instead of her.
Rushii was a fan of KID and had a crush on him, with her always having been at the front of the venue; however, their relationship was only that of "a fan and an artist"[4]. At the end of Stupid Liquid, she watches KID argue with and mock Solfie. Not being able to accept that KID and Solfie were in a relationship together, Rushii stabs KID with a box cutter.[5]
Rushii is a gachikoi (ガチ恋; "serious love", a term used by fans of idols, characters, or otherwise that are "seriously in love" with them.) of KID.
At first, her relationship with Solfie is negative, with Rushii grabbing Solfie by her jacket while Solfie mocked her. Rushii thinks of Solfie as a "strange prostitute" and has had fights with her both on social media and in real life[6]; this was due to Solfie hinting that she and KID were in a relationship, which escalated into an argument between Rushii and Solfie. It is unknown what their relationship is like after Stupid Liquid.
Rushi (るし[?]) has no meaning; however, it may be referencing the Latin name 'Lucy', meaning "light" or "light bringer".
Kokuyoku (黒翼[?]) means "black wings'".[7]
Madoka (マドカ[?]) has no meaning, but may reference 円花 or 窓香 which means "circle, flower" and "window, incense" respectively.
Shirata (白田[?]) means "white rice paddy" or "snow-covered rice paddy".
In Silver ring, Rushii sings about her being in love with someone she knows she cannot have, but still wishing to pursue them.
In the Stupid Liquid series, Rushii is described as a "serious fan" of KID. She always takes the front rows at his concerts; however, due to there being many fans just like her, she got jostled in the crowd and saw his silver ring. In the MV, she is seen watching KID's concert online. Rushii is madly in love with him and has fights with Solfie over him; these fights happen both online and in real life. The lyrics "You two are at each other's throats again / Is that all you know how to do?" may suggest that this has happened more than once. [4]
Later, she finds Solfie arguing with KID and stares blankly at the scene while hearing everything. From her perspective, Rushii did not understand; she could not accept that KID had dated "a strange prostitute" instead of her, who was trying so hard[5]. After Solfie starts crying on the floor and KID ends the conversation, Rushii runs over and stabs KID in the stomach.
- Rushii does not have a pretty face but uses her great makeup skills to make up for that.
- Due to her makeup skills being so high, she attracts many followers on social media from photos of her face and hairstyles.[2]

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- ↑ これでたぶん終わり / 作業配信
"黒翼、るしぃさんと/Kokuyoku, Rushii-san and-" - ↑ 2.0 2.1
"『K.I.D』の熱狂的ファンかつ、KIDのガチ恋勢。ライブ会場では常に最前。/An enthusiastic fan of "K.I.D" and a has a real crush on K.I.D. Always at the front of the live venue."
"自治厨のためライブでは仕切りをおこない、ルール(非公式)を守らない人間を許さない。/Because she is self-governing, she keeps a partition during live performances and do not tolerate anyone who does not follow the (unofficial) rules."
"すっぴんは割と冴えないが、化粧技術は非常に高く、日頃から盛られた表情と髪型の写真をアップしているためSNSのフォロワーは多い。/Although she doesn't look pretty without makeup, her makeup skills are very high, and she has many followers on SNS because she regularly posts photos of her beautiful facial expressions and hairstyles."
"本名:白田マドカ(シロタ=マドカ)/Real name: Shirota Madoka (Shirota = Madoka)" - ↑"そもそもの話、この作品群では『シルバーリング』を最初に作ったのですが、テーマが「V系バンドのバンギャ」だったので、そこから派生して生まれた「バンドマン」視点の楽曲が『ストゥーピッド・リキッド』です。 3rdアルバムを作っていくうちに、「あれ、これ『アイフィールソウサッド』とつながるのでは?」と思い、この作品群が生まれました。 ご質問いただいた内容でお察しの通り、この3曲でこの作品群は完結しています。 作中時系列でいえば、 『シルバーリング』 ⬇ 『ストゥーピッド・リキッド』 ⬇ 『アイフィールソウサッド』 でしょうか…。 これからもこの3曲を楽しんでもらえればと思います…!/ To begin with, I wrote "Silver Ring" first for this series, but as the theme was "visual kei band girl," "Stoopid Liquid" was born from that, a song from a "bandsman" perspective. As I was making my third album, I thought, "Hey, maybe this is connected to 'I Feel Sorrow'?", and so this series was born. As you can see from your question, these three songs complete this series. In terms of the story's chronology, I'd say "Silver Ring" ⬇ "Stoopid Liquid" ⬇ "I Feel Sorrow" ... I hope you continue to enjoy these three songs...!"
- ↑ 4.0 4.1"海外の方にうまく伝わるかわからないですが…… 一応、わたしの自己解釈を記しますね †黒翼るしぃ† は、「K.I.D」というバンドの vocal である キッド のファンです。いわゆる、ガチ恋勢ってやつです。 †黒翼るしぃ† はキッドのことが好きですが、2人の関係性はあくまで「ファン」と「アーティスト」であり、直接彼らがやりとりすることはまずありません。 キッドはアクセサリーを身に付けています。†黒翼るしぃ† はキッドのライブでは最前をとるくらい熱狂的ですが、同じようなファンは多数いるため、演奏中はもみくちゃになる訳ですが、そのとき見えたのがキッドの身に付けている「銀の指輪」だったんですね。" "I'm not sure if this will be easy to understand for people from overseas... but I'll write down my own interpretation anyway. †Kokuyoku Rushii† is a fan of KID, the vocalist of the band "K.I.D." She is what people call a "serious fan". †Kokuyoku Rushii† likes KID [romantically], but the relationship between them is only that of a "fan" and an "artist", and they rarely directly interact. KID wears accessories. Due to her enthusiasm, †Kokuyoku Rushii† always sits at the first row of KID's concerts, but because there are many fans just like her, she gets jostled during the performance; it was at that moment where she saw the "silver ring" KID was wearing."
- ↑ 5.0 5.1"その場面を†黒翼るしぃ†は目撃してしまった。彼女からしたら、ソルフィとキッドが繋がっていること自体が許せなかった。そして自分の愛してやまない相手が、こんなにもライブを見て最前で尽くしている自分ではなく、見知らぬ売女の手を取っているという事実を受け入れられなかった。 そうして†黒翼るしぃ†は衝動的にキッドのことを…… こういったストーリーだと私は解釈しています。 (考察は人それぞれですからね) ちなみに、3人の名前はいずれもハンドルネームです。 キャラクターサイトはこちら" "Rushii saw everything. From her point of view, Solfie and KID’s relationship was something she couldn’t accept. She couldn’t accept the reality that someone Rushii was deeply in love with actually dated a stranger prostitute, and not her who was trying so hard at the front. So, Rushii impulsively decided to do something to KID… This is the story I interpret. (Everyone has their own interpretation, after all) By the way, all three names are only for social media handles. Character site is here"
- ↑"キッドの指輪は単にアクセサリーで、結婚指輪ではありません。 キッドは女癖が悪く、気に入った女性に対してすぐに手を出します。その中の一人が ソルフィ です。 ソルフィは承認欲求が強く、SNS上でも過激な発言をする性格です。彼女はちょっとした出来心でキッドの気を引いて関係を持ちます。しかし、それはキッドにとって都合のいい関係であり、さほどソルフィは相手にされていなかった。ソルフィはキッドとの関係を匂わせ、それに気付いた†黒翼るしぃ†がソルフィとSNS上で喧嘩し炎上。キッドはソルフィを捨て、自分が都合のいい女であったことを悟ります。ショックで哀しむソルフィですが、キッドにしつこく詰め寄ります。" "Kid's ring is just an accessory, not a wedding ring. Kid has a bad habit of women, and he quickly makes a move on any woman he likes. One of them is Solfi. Solfi has a strong desire for approval, and is known for making extreme statements on social media. On a whim, she attracts Kid's attention and they start a relationship. However, it is a convenient relationship for Kid, and he doesn't pay her much attention. Solfi hints at a relationship with Kid, and when Black Wing Rushii realizes this, they get into a fight on social media, which escalates. Kid dumps Solfi, realizing that she was just a convenient woman. Solfi is shocked and sad, but she keeps coming at Kid."
- ↑
"Lucy is a feminine name of Latin origin. It is derived from the masculine Lucius, meaning "light" or "light bringer." Lucy is also a family surname that was brought over to England by Norman invaders in the 11th century."