- "It hasn’t stopped yet."— Description from the music video
Rainy Girl (雨路少女 Amamichi Shoujo[?], aka Rain Road Girl) is a song by Guchiry featuring Hatsune Miku. It is the third track of the album Uzoumuzou, the eighth track of the album Mugenhouyou, the fifteenth of the album Yume Monogatari, and the image song for Michiko Ame.
Guchiry’s comment[]
I don't like the rain.
I thought, "I'm going to get wet anyway!" and when I walked around in sandals on a typhoon day, and it was the worst because I got a lot of dirt on my feet, so I don't recommend it.
雨粒がずっと降っている 日も雲隠れしている午後4時
傘を持たずに外を闊歩する 気まぐれ少女は今日も往く
頬を滴る水は何だろうか 雨か汗か はたまた涙か
すれ違う人も構わず 俯き 少女は今日も往く
「アレ」「ソレ」と媚び売って 物乞い生きてきた代償は
冷たく凍えきった 爪の剥がれた痕か?
イヤって泣いて そんで吊し上げて 待って待って 聞いてないよ
未来は無いよ こんな関係 間違っていたって わかっていたけど
嫌いじゃないよ いつの日か終わる それまでは夢を見ていたいの
雨粒がずっと降っている 日も暮れなずむ空の午後5時
雲の隙間を縫った夕焼けを後目に 少女は今日も往く
「明日は晴れる」と言うキャスターの スキャンダラスな日々を知ったとて
「だからどうした」「それが何になる」 呟き 少女は今日も往く
痛いって泣いて 大丈夫な訳がないって 待って 聞いてないよ
未来は無いよ こんな関係 間違っていたって わかっていたけど
嫌いじゃないよ タガの外れた黒い靄がかった手 握りたいの
往く宛が無い 行く末が無い わたしはいない 誰も見てない
膿み腐った 傷を洗って塞いで縫ってはみたけど
血に染まった この手を誰一人も握ってはくれなかった
ねぇ 私は何処へ往けば 救われるの?
ねぇ 答えを教えてよ 息が出来ないから
雨粒がずっと降っている 夜も更け ただ惑う午前2時
しとどに濡れた瞳の先に微笑み 少女は今日も往く
Amatsubu ga zutto futteiru hi mo kumogakure shiteiru gogoyon ji
Kasa o motazu ni soto o kappo suru kimagure shoujo wa kyoumo iku
Hou o shitataru mizu wa nanidarou ka ame ka ase ka hatamata namida ka
Surechigau hito mo kamawazu utsumuki shoujo wa kyou mo iku
"Are" "sore" to kobi utte monogoi ikitekita daishou wa
Tsumetaku kogoekitta tsume no hagareta ato ka?
Iya tte naite sonde tsurushi agete matte matte kiitenaiyo
Kirikizanda senjou no kizu ga mata fuete wa nijimu
Mirai wa naiyo konna kankei machigatteita ttewakatteitakedo
Kirai janaiyo itsu no hi ka owaru sore made wa yume o miteitaino
Amatsubu ga zutto futteiru hi mo kure nazumu sora no gogogo ji
Kumo no sukima o nutta yuuyake o shirime ni shoujo wa kyoumo iku
"Ashita wa hareru" to iu kyasutā no na hibi o shitta tote
"Dakara dou shita" "sore ga nani ni naru" tsubuyaki shoujowa kyou mo iku
Itai tte naite daijoubuna wake ga nai tte matte kiitenaiyo
Iribitatta tenjou no shimi o mata kazoete wa nemuru
Mirai wa naiyo konna kankei machigatteita ttewakatteitakedo
Kirai janaiyo taga no hazureta kuroi gakatta te nigiritaino
Iku ate ga nai yukusue ga nai watashi wa inai dare mo mitenai
Aishite hoshiino
Umi kusatta kizu o aratte fusaide nutte wa mitakedo
Chi ni somatta kono te o dare hitori mo nigitte wakurenakatta
Nee watashi wa doko e yukeba sukuwareruno?
Nee kotae o oshiete yo
Iki ga dekinaikara
Amatsubu ga zutto futteiru yoru mo fuke tada madou gozen niji
Shitodo ni nureta hitomi no saki ni hohoemi shoujo wa kyoumo iku
At 4 PM, where the sun always hides behind the clouds, and raindrops pour down all the time,
Today, a capricious girl strides along the road with no umbrella in hand.
That fluid trickling down her cheeks; is it rain, sweat, or maybe even tears?
Today, without a care for those she passes by, she lowers her head and goes on her way.
The compensation for her price of living; begging, selling flattery, “this” and “that”,
Is it the scars of her frozen, peeled-off fingernails?
I cry out “I hate it!”, and hold that statement up— wait, wait, no one can hear me?!
Yet again, those mangled linear scars multiply and then bleed out.
The future of our relationship doesn't exist, and I can understand it's a mistake.
I can't hate it, though. Until it finally ends, I can only keep dreaming..
At 5 PM, where the sunset lingers and raindrops pour down all the time,
Today, the girl glances at the sunset glow peeking from the gaps between the clouds, and goes on her way.
“The rain will clear up tomorrow”, says the newscaster, though knowing of the scandalous days.
“Ugh, so what?” “What's the point?” The girl mumbles, then continues with her day.
I cry out “It hurts! There's no way I'll be fine—” wait, still, no one can hear?!
Again, I count up the stains on the ceiling that have been there forever, and fall asleep.
The future of our relationship doesn't exist, and I can understand it's a mistake.
I can't hate it, though. That disconnected, dark, hazy hand; I want to hold onto it..
There's no destination in sight, my future doesn't exist, there's no “me” I can find, there's no one who will find me.
I only ever wanted to be loved—
The wounds were rotting, festering with pus, so I tried to wash them and stitch them up
But not a single person would ever want to hold my blood-stained hands.
Hey, where am I supposed to go, so I can be saved?
Hey, tell me the answer now! I can't breathe anymore!
At a confusing 2 AM, where the raindrops pour down all the time,
Soaking wet, a smile hidden behind watery eyes, the girl goes on her way.
Translated by Imbadatpickingusernames
To be added
Video Sequence[]
To be added
- Michiko Ame (MC)
- Carl (side)
Hidden Text[]
Hametsu ganbou no hakkou shoujo
Hametsu ganbou no hakkou shoujo
Amero shoujo
Unfortunate girl with a desire to be ruined
Now let's return to the main subject
Unfortunate girl with a desire to be ruined
Rainy Girl
The end
External Links[]
- SoundCloud
- VOCALOID Database
- VOCALOID Database (album ver.)
- VOCALOID Lyrics Wiki