Guchiry Wiki

"Let it burn up, anything and everything."— Description from the music video

Nitro (ニトロ Nitoro[?]) is a song by Guchiry featuring Kagamine Rin. It is the second track of the album Uzoumuzou, the third track of the album Mugenhouyou, the fourteenth track of the album Yume Monogatari, and the image song for Jiro Nito.

Guchiry’s comment[]

Hello, this is Guchiry.

I don't know much about chemistry.

When I was a junior high school student, I got really interested in the flame reaction after being influenced by a hitman's ring, so I entered the science department.

In fact, in that club activity, I made nothing but tortoiseshell candy and karumeyaki... why?




燃えてしまえ 無くなってしまえ 狂った世界の深層心理など
なら今度は ボクが全て 全て 消してしまおう

実際問題 現状どうだい? ‘‘わかんない’’じゃ許されない蒙昧
考えない 干渉しない 無関心の成れの果て

燃えてしまえ 無くなってしまえ 狂った世界の深層心理など
なら今度は ボクが全て 全て 消してしまおう

愛なんてない 神なんていない 歪んだ思想の群衆心理など
だから今度は ボクが全て 全て 消してしまおうと

燃えてしまう 無くなってしまう 狂った世界
幻想 被害妄想に溺れた人の群れよ
ねぇどうして ボクが全て 全て 悪かったと言うの?

愛なんて無くていい 神だっていなくていい
全て 無に帰す時まで
笑っていたいんだよ 泣きたくはないんだよ
だから 手の鳴る方へ

Itsumo kireigoto bakka narabete otete tsunaide gizen tekifurumai
Ura de hokusoendesa
Mawari no funiki ni ashinami awasete ke otosu junbi wabantan

Ika sama

Moeteshimaenaku natteshimae kurutta sekai no shinsoushinri nado
Hazete nakunatteshimaeba ii nara kondo wa boku ga subetesubete keshiteshimaou

Kudaranai risouron bakka katatte mikudashita youna me demite nnayo
Uzoumuzou bakkada
Jissai mondai genjou dou dai? ‘‘Wakannai’’ ja yurusarenaimoumai
Kangaenai kanshou shinai mu kanshin no narenohate
Tsukurareta ousama

Moeteshimaenaku natteshimae kurutta sekai no shinsoushinri nado
Hazete nakunatteshimaeba ii nara kondo wa boku ga subetesubete keshiteshimaou

Ai nante nai kami nante inai iganda shisou no gunshuu shinrinado
Hazete nakunatteshimaeba ii
Dakara kondo wa boku ga subete subete keshiteshimaou to
Te no naru hou e

Moeteshimaunaku natteshimau kurutta sekai
Gensou higai mousou ni oboreta hito no mureyo
Nee doushite boku ga subete subete warukatta to iuno?

Ai nante nakute ii kami datte inakute ii
Subete mu ni kisu toki made
Waratteitai ndayo nakitaku wa nai ndayo
Dakara te no naru hou e

People always join together, rattling off nothing but lip services, acting like hypocrites,
While secretly laughing at each other in the shadows.
I've finished my preparations to match the pace of this atmosphere that kicks down everything in its way..

It's all foul play.

Burn to ashes, begone! The unconscious mind of this world driving me insane,
Should burst open and then disappear.
So that's why this time everything, everything will be extinguished by me.

Don't look at me with your condescending eyes and
act on nothing but uselessly idealistic thoughts.
You're all nothing but the rabble.

Hey, here's a practical question—what's life like in this status quo?
I won't forgive your indifference claiming “well, I don't know”,
You don't think, you don't interfere,
And from the ruins of your indifference,
A king is born.

Burn to ashes, begone! The unconscious mind of this world driving me insane,
Should burst open and then disappear.
So that's why this time everything, everything will be extinguished by me.

There is no love, there are no gods, and the mass psychology of distorted thoughts
Should burst open and pass away.
So that's why this time everything, everything will be extinguished by me,
As I follow the clapping of someone's hands..[1]

Burn to ashes, begone, the crowds of people in this fucked-up world have drowned in their fantasies and their persecution complexes.
Hey, why are you saying everything, every single thing about me was evil?

I never needed love, I never needed any gods,
Everything didn't matter; it'll all become nothing anyway.
I just wanted to laugh, without crying either.
So I was led by the clapping of those hands..[1]

English translation by Imbadatpickingusernames


To be added

Video Sequence[]

To be added

Onscreen Text[]








Kano ‘‘juu nen sensou’’ wa ouku no chi o nagashita sue, shuuen o mukaeru.
Haisen shita kyuu teikoku wa gijutsu o kesshuu shi, itsushika “kansei sareta heiwa” o utatteita
Soushite hitobito wa arasoi o wasure, nani fujiyuu nai hibi o okutteiru.
Shikashi, sore wa suuta no gisei niyotte naritatteiru ‘‘karisome no heiwa’’ datta.

"Hikariyo, warera o terase"

"Dareka ga tasukaru tamenara, dare ka o ke otosu koto wa zena no ka?"

"Dareka ga tasukaru tamenara, dare ka o ke otosu koto wa zena no ka?"

"Zettai tekina nante, ari wa shinai ndayo?"

"Soredemo, boku wa boku no shinjiru seigi o tsuranuiteyaru dakesa"

"Boku o koroshite yoku o mitasuga ii"

After much bloodshed and the deaths of many, the "Ten Years' War" came to an end.
After their defeat, the Former Empire gathered all their technology, and before anyone noticed, they declared "absolute peace."
Everyone seemed to forget about the previous conflict, living their day-to-day lives without any discomfort as the time passed.
However, it was nothing but a "transient peace" consisting of an extreme number of people's sacrifices.

"Oh, light, shine upon us all."

"Is it okay to kick someone down if that saves someone else?"

"Is it okay to kick someone down if that saves someone else?"

"There's no such thing as "absolute", isn't there?"

"Even so, I will simply uphold to the justice I believe in."

"Kill me and satisfy your greed."

English translation by Imbadatpickingusernames

External Links[]





  • Idea of the song started as an April fools joke.[2]
  • Nitro is short for nitroglycerin, an explosive yellow liquid made by nitrating glycerol, used in explosives such as dynamite.


Music Video[]



  1. 1.0 1.1 "手" can be translated as both "hands" but also "technique”, "means", or a method of doing things. This can mean to follow along with someone's plan or actions, but also to follow the sound of someone's hands clapping.
    "ぐちり、20019年4月1日に新アルバム『Ultimate Dynamite』を発表。大人気楽曲『吉原大炎上』『ニトロ』に加え、新規書き下ろし楽曲『BIGBANG』他、爆発づくしの新作となっている。/Guchiry announces his new album "Ultimate Dynamite" on April 1, 20019. In addition to the popular songs Great Yoshiwara Blaze and Nitro, it includes a newly written song BIGBANG, an explosive new release."