Naru and Niru (ナル と ニル Naru to Niru[?]) are original characters by Guchiry. They are the protagonists of the song Psychic Dancers.
They are ghost twins who are attached to Crowley. They followed him when they had a dispute at the Midnight Ball.[2][3]
Naru has the appearance of young shy girl with amber eyes and white grayish long hair. She wears dark gray shirt with a collar, black pinafore dress, and a red shawl. Naru mostly wears a neutral expression on her face.
Niru has the appearance of a young cheerful boy with yellowish orange eyes and white grayish hair just like Naru, but with short hair instead. He wears a gray shirt with a collar and a red tie. He wears black suspenders attached to also dark gray shorts. Unlike Naru, Niru is shown opening smiling more, with there only being one scene of him not smiling.
Additionally both of them wear pair of dark gray gloves, dark gray socks, along with low heel black shoes.
In the original music video and Guchiry's old banner, their appearances are more bright, with them for example having more yellow eyes or sporting brown clothing instead of dark gray.
Both Naru and Niru like having fun[4] with their image song Psychic Dancers all being about dancing.
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They, along with Albert, helped in a search for him when he decided to commit suicide.[2]
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Both of their names don't have any particular meaning whatsoever.
They have accidentally wandered into a strange dance hall of ghost, that seems to be the Midnight Ball. There they met Crowley when they had a dispute. When he later tried to commit suicide they helped in search for him.[5]
Music Videos[]
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"ニュースでは‘‘行方不明’’とされていますね 途中までの痕跡はあれど、みんなどこかしらで跡形もなく消えてしまったようです/In the news they are described as "missing". Although there are traces along the way, it seems like they all disappeared without a trace at some point." - ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 (archive)
"ノル、ニル、アルバートとともに捜索開始。/Noru, Niru, and Albert commence the search." - ↑ Translation Source
- ↑"双子の幽霊。 楽しいことが好き。/Twin ghosts. They like having fun." "楽曲 「サイキック・ダンサーズ」 「パーティパーティ」/Songs "Psychic Dancers" "Party Party" "
- ↑ NicoNico Like Message
"ナルとニルは、奇特な亡霊のダンスホールに迷い込んでしまった。/Naru and Niru have accidentally wandered into a strange dance hall of ghosts."