Mene Tame (多目 メネ Tame Mene[?]) is an original character by Guchiry and the protagonist of the song Abnormality Dancin' Girl.
She has an abnormal obsession with "being abnormal".
However, to the average observer, she is already "abnormal".[2]
Mene is a young presumably teenage girl with pale skin and short, deep lavender mullet-styled hair with two strands of hair at her bangs forming an X shape, along with matching eyes. Whenever she has a breakdown, the edges of her iris become bumpy.
In her school uniform, she wears a plain white shirt with a collar, a black tie, and a greyish purple sweater over it all. She also wears a black skirt, knee socks, and white shoes.
Her first dress is black, with a grey ruffle in the center. Over the dress is a matching shoulder ruffle with a purple butterfly on the left. She also wears a circle-shaped hair clip, black gloves, and leg-strapped shoes.
Her second dress is a two-piece bikini with a see-through skirt that resembles the bottom part of butterfly wings, along with the same transparent cloth on her arms acting as the top wings of a butterfly. There are three magenta circles with black centers acting as a necklace with a fake white proboscis in the middle. Her strapped shoes also look like wings, and her feet turn purple as they fade into her pale skin at her knees. She wears two fake twin-tails that receive the same purple fade at the bottom to bright cyan; they most noticeably resemble Miya's, which is fitting considering Mene's attachment and growing obsession with her. Her hair is held by two light blue feathers and is decorated with six eye-like clips. Her ahoge now resembles a butterfly's antennae and her X-shaped bangs become undone and go down. The outlines in her irises also noticeably became thicker. She has no eyebrows in this outfit.
Mene is notably very quiet and introverted, as seen in the beginning. She refrains herself from talking to others, and keeps her problems to herself, being very quiet and closed-off. Her attitude is normally very grouchy and sleepy because of her constant sleeping during classes and daydreaming.
Inside, Mene is obsessed with the concept of "abnormality" to the point where she accepts that she's going crazy from it. This obsession may have arisen from her wanting to be as special as Miya, or possibly have intensified because of it. Though Mene wishes to be abnormal and to stand out, she is unable to accomplish this as she is not good at anything but not bad at anything, making her "average".[3] She does make small attempts to try to turn her life around and tries hard[4] to break out of her perceived "normality", but gives up near the end of the MV when she realizes she can only be her abnormal self in her head.
Miya Nanamiya[]
Mene believes that Miya's outstanding grades and her popularity is abnormal, and desires to be just like her.[5] She eventually falls in love with Miya and watches her during class.[6][7] But in the end, she is devastated when she realizes she will never be able to be like her or with her. Though she's in love with Miya, she's mostly interested in her abnormality.[8]
Amane Amasaki[]
Amane falls in love with Mene, actively tries to become friends with her, and attempts to help her by telling her that nothing is truly ordinary. However, Mene shows very little interest in her, and doesn't respond well to her, choosing to ignore her most of the time. Though Amane loves Mene for her plain looks and calm atmosphere, Mene most likely thinks she's noisy like the rest of her classmates.[9]
Karen Renda[]
Iru Iruma[]
Mene (メネ[?]) refers to the Menelaus blue morpho butterfly.[10]
Tame (多目[?]) refers to the pattern (back side) of a morpho butterfly.[10]
Mene in Gods' Miniature Garden was mostly stuck in her own head dreaming about abnormalities. She eventually falls in love with a popular girl called Miya for her ability to attract attention. After observing Miya repeatedly and comparing herself to her, she comes to the conclusion that to be abnormal, you need to think you're abnormal.[5] "If that's the case, I am not normal, I just have to imagine myself as an abnormal being". Mene starts imagining herself as an anomaly in her head, and locks herself away from reality.[11] Mene is also unknowingly involved in a love triangle between Amane and Karen, who both have a crush on her, Amane loving her for being an ordinary girl[9], and Karen's crush on her fake.[12] The love triangle of Mene, Amane, and Karen involves Mene's other classmates such as Yuu, Amane's childhood friend who's in love with Amane[13], and possibly Toa who supports her various classmates' love, which may extend to Amane Amasaki and Karen.[14]
In Abnormality Dancin' Girl, Mene is shown isolated and away from her classmates in the classroom and ponders to herself; "I can't go on like this". She later receives her test results, and is disappointed to see that she only received 65 after working hard to study to the point she didn't sleep. She soon crumples up the paper in frustration. At the school assembly, she sees Yuu Yuumukai receiving her award on stage, and imagines for a moment that it was her receiving the award, only to be reminded of her average score.
Mene begins smiling with the classmates next to her gone and looks up with her eyes widened, yelling for her to be looked at and that she'll become a butterfly. She later has her head down on her desk with her being replaced with a flower, most likely an orange carnation, in a vase. Mene wears a butterfly outfit for the preparations of the school play, and imagines her classmates as butterflies. She sees Miya being taken by an unnamed male student and breaks down again with tears in her eyes and sweat dripping down her face. Mene spirals more and eventually realises she's in love with Miya Nanamiya, believing that the other girl's perfect to the point of abnormality, and tries imitating her in front of her classmates; this gets her "different gazes than [she] usually [gets]"[7], though it is unknown what her classmates thought of the interactions.
One day, Mene looks at herself in the dirty mirror at midnight and asks "Who are you?" and "Who am I?" only to receive no reply. She continues staring at the mirror and finds herself alone on a stage, looking up to transform, finally becoming an abnormal being. Mene sings and dances around in a butterfly-themed bikini, and looks bright and saturated compared to the previously dull colors of the MV. She ends off her performance with a bow. Mene is soon seen crying and kneeling on the floor, with it being revealed all the moments of her singing and dancing were only things she thought of in her head. Mene's Diary helps prove this as Mene writes an entry about her dreaming about Miya dancing with a stranger. The diary also has entries about Mene trying to clean a mirror but soon finding it beautiful from its dirtiness.
In Everyone is Human., Mene is shown looking at Miya twirling her hair. Mene is also seen crying in front of the classroom for not being special, which Iru Iruma observes, and is seen on Iru's lap near the end.
- Mene has a diary. Excerpts from this diary can be seen in the MV of Abnormality Dancin' Girl; see Mene's Diary.
- Mene's name was created by Hima.[10]
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"アブダンのYouTubeコメントながめてたけど、なんかみんなやたらメネが死んだって言ってるの何故なんだ 死ぬわけないだろ…逆にあの状況からどうやって死ぬんだ……? いや、これは私の解釈なので別に無視してくれて全然構わないんですけどね"
"I was looking at Abdan's YouTube comments, and I wonder why everyone keeps saying that Mene is dead. There's no way she died... On the other hand, how would you die in that situation...? Well, this is my interpretation, so I don't mind if you ignore it." - ↑ Translation Source
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"Mene is just "average," while she's not good at anything, she's also not bad at anything, and she's not particularly inferior. - ↑
"でも、頑張ってやっと平均的ってことは、多分サボったらダメなんだろうな… メネチャンは少なくとも俺よりは努力してるタイプだと思う"
"But if you work hard and finally become average, you probably shouldn't slack off... I think Mene-chan is at least the type of person who works harder than me." - ↑ 5.0 5.1
" ‘‘異常’’という概念に恋をする女の子は、彼女から見て周囲から異常に‘‘注目’’されている女の子に憧れを抱く 「どうすれば彼女のような特異な存在になれるのか」 観察に観察を重ね、自分との違いを思考する"
"A girl who falls in love with the concept of "abnormality" admires a girl who, from her perspective, receives an abnormal amount of "attention" from those around her. "How can I become a unique person like her?” Observation after observation, thinking about how she is different from herself." - ↑
"クラスでは、ミヤ のことをいつも目で追っている。"
"In class, she always follows Miya with her eyes." - ↑ 7.0 7.1 Mene's Diary
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" ‘‘異常’’に憧れる女の子は、彼女の異常に‘‘注目’’を浴びている姿に憧れこそしたものの、あくまで‘‘異常’’という概念に恋しているため、彼女自体には大して興味は持っていない"
"A girl who admires "abnormality" admires the way her abnormality attracts "attention". However, she is not interested in the girl herself, because she is in love with the concept of "abnormality"." - ↑ 9.0 9.1
"異常にやたらと固執する‘‘普通の子’’に恋をする女の子 クラスで一緒になった彼女の比較的地味(暗め)なルックスと落ち着いた雰囲気(頭の中で‘‘異常’’を妄想しているだけで別に落ち着いてはいない)が気になり、仲良くなるために積極的に関わろうとするが、‘‘普通の子’’は反応が乏しくほぼ無視される"
"A girl who falls in love with a "normal girl" who is abnormally stubborn. They are in the same class, and she became interested in her relatively plain (dark) looks and calm atmosphere (she was only fantasizing about "abnormalities" in her head, so she wasn't particularly calm), and tries to get close to her in order to make friends with her. However, the "normal girl" does not respond well and mostly ignores her." - ↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2
"メネチャンの名前の由来 (暇 大先生の命名) 多目(読み:タメ) → モルフォ蝶の柄(裏側)から メネ → ‘‘メネ’’ラウスモルフォ から 裏側の気持ち悪いところが彼女の名前になってるんですね〜 Google検索で実物みたら納得いただけるかと ぐちりは虫が苦手なので検索は控えておきます…/Origin of the name "Mene-chan" (Named by great sensei Hima). Multi-eyed (reading: Tame) → Mene from the Morpho butterfly handle (back side) → "Mene" from Morpho menelaus. Her name comes from the disgusting part on her backside~ I don't like insects, so I'll refrain from searching if I can see the real thing on Google..." - ↑
"無意識下で彼女は自分を‘‘普通’’であると思い込んでおり、それが常日頃自身が実感している‘‘普通’’の正体であることに気づく 「ならば、自分が普通では無い、異常な存在であることを思い込めばよい」 頭の中に異常な自分を思い描き、彼女は自ら理想とする‘‘異常’’に閉じこもってしまったのだった"
"Subconsciously, she believes herself to be "normal" and realizes that this is the true nature of "normal" that she feels every day. "If that's the case, I am not normal, I just have to imagine myself as an abnormal being". She envisioned herself as an abnormal person in her head and shut herself up in her own ideal of "abnormality"." - ↑
" ‘‘恋すること’’に対して執着している子 精神的に不安定であり、容姿からは想像もつかない突飛な行動をする‘‘普通の子に恋する子’’の様子を見て彼女に標的を定め、自身に対して「普通の子に恋している」と暗示をかけ、恋敵として立ち塞がる"
"A girl who is obsessed with "falling in love". She is mentally unstable and acts in strange ways that are unimaginable from her appearance. Seeing the behavior of "a girl who falls in love with an ordinary girl," she targets her, suggests to herself that she is "in love with an ordinary girl," and stands in her way as a love rival". - ↑
" ‘‘普通の子が好きな女の子’’と幼馴染であり、幼い頃から抱えた想いをこれまでひた隠して過ごしてきたが、進学したことで想い人が‘‘異常’’なことに固執する子への恋を自覚し、彼女は苦しむことに 最近は恋愛相談を受けることが多く、家に帰っては涙で枕を濡らす日々を過ごす"
"She is childhood friends with a "girl who likes a normal girl", and has been hiding her feelings since childhood, but after advancing to higher education, she realizes that she was in love with a girl who is fixated on "abnormal" things, and she suffers. Recently, she has received consultation on love and spends her days soaking her pillow with tears when she returns home." - ↑
"妄想にばかりふけている子 その糧とするため、クラスメイトの叶わぬ恋を応援しており、その結末ばかり考えている(当の本人たち自身には興味が無い) 他人と接する際は明るくあろうと努めるが、基本的に根暗でよく爪を噛む癖がある"
"A girl who is constantly indulging in fantasies. In order to feed her delusions, she supports her classmates' unfulfilled love and thinks about their endings (but is not interested in the people themselves). She tries to be cheerful when interacting with others, but she is generally gloomy and often bites her nails."