Karen Renda (簾田 カレン Renda Karen[?]) is an original character by SHOUCHANG and protagonist of the song Love-Sickness.
A girl who fell in love with “love”.[1]
Karen has greenish-yellow, short, and wavy hair, along with eyes and rounded eyelashes of the same color. She wears a white dress shirt, a black tie with a grayish-blue sweater overlaying it, and a short black skirt. She is said to look very different from how she acts.[1]
Karen is a mentally unstable girl who is obsessed with the act of falling in love. She acts in strange ways, has very strong assumptions, and is very good at self-suggestion.[2][3] Despite Karen being obsessed with "love", she doesn't truly love; when she "doesn't need [love] anymore", she throws it away.
Mene Tame[]
Karen, after seeing Amane fall in love with Mene, also falls in love; however, Karen does not truly love Mene, and is only "in love" due to her self-suggestion.[1]
Amane Amasaki[]
After seeing Amane fall in love with Mene, Karen starts suggesting to herself that she's also in love. Karen stands in Amane's way as a "love rival" of sorts, and blocks her from making any major moves towards Mene. Due to Amane's personality not being very sharp, Karen's behaviour of falling in love with "love" only increases in intensity.[1][3]
Yuu Yuumukai[]
Yuu is aware that Karen is a "love rival" to Amane.[3][4]
Karen (カレン[?]) has various meanings depending on the kanji used. Possible definitions include 火恋 ("fire love"), 伽蓮 ("companion lotus"), and 佳憐 ("excellent sympathy").[5]
Renda (簾田[?]) means "bamboo screen, rice paddy".[6]
In Gods' Miniature Garden, she uses her skill of self-suggestion to convince herself she's in love with Mene Tame after finding out Amane Amasaki was in love with Mene, and stands in way of Amane as a rival. Since Amane hasn't taken any major actions to swoon Mene, Karen's odd behaviour of "falling in love" escalates.
Everyone is Human.[]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 https://twitter.com/bomless_race2/status/1653127229608714240
"‘‘恋すること’’に対して執着している子/A child who is obsessed with "falling in love" "
"精神的に不安定であり、容姿からは想像もつかない突飛な行動をする ‘‘普通の子に恋する子’’の様子を見て彼女に標的を定め、自身に対して「普通の子に恋している」と暗示をかけ、恋敵として立ち塞がる/She is mentally unstable and acts in strange ways that are unimaginable from her appearance. Seeing the behavior of a "girl who falls in love with an ordinary girl", she targets her, suggests to herself that she is "in love with a normal girl", and stands in her way as a love rival." - ↑ https://bomless-race-characters.localinfo.jp/posts/49036272
"精神的に不安定で、容姿からは想像もつかない突飛な行動に走りがち。/She is mentally unstable and tends to do strange things that are unimaginable from her appearance." - ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 https://twitter.com/bomless_race2/status/1653127231772962816
" ‘‘普通の子に恋する子’’は彼女が行動を起こす度に、都度‘‘幼馴染’’へ相談/A "child who falls in love with a normal child" consults a "childhood friend" every time she takes action."
"‘‘幼馴染’’は相談を受けても「‘‘幼馴染’’と話せる時間が増える」と満更でもないため、大した行動はしていない/Even though her "childhood Friend" has been consulted, she is not satisfied and says, "I will have more time to talk with my "childhood friend" ", so she has not taken any major action."
" ‘‘普通の子に恋する子’’もあまり頭のキレる性格では無いため、‘‘恋’’に恋するこの行動は徐々にエスカレートしていく/The "child who falls in love with a normal child" does not have a very sharp personality, so her behavior of falling in love with "love" gradually escalates." - ↑ https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1SL_MCIaYEWmsVuO34p1BbYpiTTi2Y5rbWHpfbHwZLa4/mobilebasic
- ↑ https://japanese-names.info/first-name/karen-2/
- ↑ https://japanese-names.info/last-name/renda/