Guchiry Wiki

Iru Iruma (入間 イル Iruma Iru[?]) is an original character by Guchiry and protagonist of the song Everyone is Human..

A girl who observes human patterns and fell in love with "humans".


She has mid-thigh length, brown and wavy hair with a side bang that sweeps to her left to cover her left eye. Her hair has various unevenly straight cuts that sits in front of her person. She has grayish-brown eyes with white rings on the edges and two moles on the top part of her cheek. She wears an open black blazer over a long grayish-blue cardigan and a short black skirt. She has black gloves and long, mid-calf white socks, along with aqua slippers. She is seen with a soft expression and no visible pupils.

On the cover of Live Idly, with the more purple atmosphere, her hair appears more purple and mint green and is less wavy and more flat at the top with softer bangs in the crossfade. She is seen with lavender eyes; her right eye has a white ring surrounding her pupil, while her left eye has a white ring on the outside with no visible pupils or shine in it.


Iru enjoys observing her classmates, with it being her main hobby. She knows everything about the relationships and situations in her class, as well as the interests and tastes of each of her classmates. She loves everyone; though she feels that they are stupid and ugly, she loves them even for that. She sees the brilliance in the irrational, absurd and imperfect nature of human emotions.[1][2]


Mene Tame[]

Iru and Mene are both classmates with Iru observing Mene. Iru is aware of Mene's constant fantasizing of abnormality and her attempts to break out of her perceived lack of individuality.[3]


Iru (イル[?]) is a short form of "Iruma" and has no meaning in katakana. Iru itself can refer to 居る ("to be" or "to exist"), or the Japanese names 生琉 ("live, gemstone), 依留 ("depend on, remain") and 愛瑠 ("love, lapis lazuli").

Iruma (入間[?]) means "entering the room" or "inside the space". 入間 looks similar to the word 人間, meaning "human".



In Gods' Miniature Garden, unlike everyone else, Iru isn't shown to have a direct relationship with anyone in her class. However, she's aware of everyone's situation and all the interpersonal relationships in the classroom. She watches over the classroom and takes notes in her observation journal and photographs of her classmates due to her universal love for humans.


  • Iru has a diary like Mene; however, she uses it as an observation journal to record her classmates' feelings.[4]
  • Iru refers to herself with the masculine and semi-formal boku (ボク/僕[?]) instead of the more standard watashi ([?]).



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    "クラスメイトたちを観察することが趣味の女の子 クラス内の人間関係や事情、各々の趣味嗜好など余すことなく把握している みんなのことが大好きであり、愚かで醜いとも感じているが、そのことすらも愛おしく思う 人間の感情の理不尽で不条理な不完全さにこそ輝きがあるとしている/A girl whose hobby is observing her classmates. She fully understand the relationships and circumstances within the class, as well as each person's hobbies and preferences. She love everyone, even though she feels that they are stupid and ugly, she still love them for that. She believes that there is brilliance in the absurd, irrational imperfections of human emotions."
    "人間を観察するのが趣味。 クラス内の人間関係や趣味嗜好などあらゆる情報を把握している。/Her hobby is observing people. She knows all kinds of information such as interpersonal relationships in the class and everyone's hobbies and preferences."
  3. Guchiry's Instagram
    "俯瞰して見てみれば、 「毎度平均値を取る」 という個性が 彼女にはありますし、 彼女なりにその思い込みの没個性から 抜け出すための努力をすることができます その事に気付いているのは、彼女の幼馴染とクラスを俯瞰している子と、 楽曲を聴いているあなたと 俺だけです/If you look at it from a bird's-eye view you can see that she has a "takes the average every time" personality and in her own way, she can make an effort to break out of that assumption about her lack of individuality. The only people who notice this are her childhood friend, the girl with a bird’s eye view on the class, and you and me listening to the music."
  4. Iru's monologue
    "これはボクの観察日記だ。想いのすべてだ。ずっと探し求めていた「何か」だ。/This is my observation journal. It's all about feelings. It's the "something" I'm been searching for so long."