Guchiry Wiki

"Let me tell you something."— Description from the music video

Cast a spell (キャスタスペル Kyasuta Superu[?]) is a song by Guchiry featuring flower. It is the first track of the album Gugutto!, the eighth track of the album Live Idly, the fourth storyboard of the book layer0, the nineteenth track of the album Yume Monogatari, and the image song for Akari Kurahashi.

Guchiry’s comment[]

Hello, this is Guchiry.

This is a story about returning a curse.

After all, everyone admires magic circles, even though I can't draw them.. Also, chanting is nice, isn't it? It's cool and I really like it. When I was in elementary school, I used to chant Kido from BLEACH a lot.

Even now, I can fully chant "Black Coffin". Seeping crest of turbidity… Arrogant vessel of lunacy…


浅い眠りに魘されている 酷く惨く暗い夢を見ている
森の奥深く 誘われる 不気味で歪な夢を見ている
嘘吐き猫が口を開いた 「清く正しく素直であれ」と
集う群衆の影 皆揃って唱えている呪いの類い

- 不正をするよりも受けるがいい。 - (Accipere quam facere injuriam praestat)
- 不正をするよりも受けるがいい。 - (Accipere quam facere injuriam praestat)
- 不正をするよりも受けるがいい。 - (Accipere quam facere injuriam praestat)
- 不正をするよりも受けるがいい。 - (Accipere quam facere injuriam praestat)


踊れ踊れ 掌の上 マリオネットが如く夜を舞え
ほら御手を合わせて拝む 「神は死んだ、もう救いはない」
泳げ泳げ 蠱毒の群れ 罪に罰を 悪には裁きを下せ
十字を切って ただ祈るだけ

『×××××』("I'll never forgive you, no matter what you say")

浅い眠りに魘されている 酷く惨く暗い夢を見ている
宛もなくただ迷路を巡る 疲れ果ててやがて目が覚める
時計の針は午前2、3時 寝汗に濡れるはだけた
バルコニーじゃ物足りず 着替え済ませてリフレッシュ 夜の街を歩いてく

夜行徘徊 理想 夢想 幻想 架空の文字列を問う
惑う 明滅を繰り返している信号 歩道 向こうには死霊
「逃れられると思うなよ」 振り向けば夢で見た影の群れの合唱

- 視界を閉ざす前にまずその瞳を捧げよ。 - (Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot)
- 無駄口を叩く前にまずその舌を捧げよ。 - (Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot)
- 奪われる前にまずその腕を切り落とせ。 - (Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot)
- 逃げ惑う脚などお前にはもう必要ない。 - (Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot)


走れ走れ 回し車 鼠のように愚かにひたすらに
ほら額に手を当て拝む 「神は死んだ、もう救いはない」
眠れ眠れ 孤独に死ね 罪に罰を 悪には裁きを下せ
十字を切って ただ祈るだけ

探していた物はたったひとつだった 忘れられない記憶の欠片
醒めない悪夢を見続けている 朝も昼も夜も
無くしていた物をやっと見つけた それは曖昧な感情だった
故の取り替えせぬ過ちを 悔やみ続けている



踊れ踊れ 掌の上 マリオネットが如く夜を舞え
ほら御手を合わせて告げる 「神は殺した、救いはない」
嗤え嗤え 冒涜の末 罪に罰を? ならば裁きを下す
十字を切って ただ祈るだけ

探していた物はたったひとつだった 忘れられない記憶の欠片
醒めない悪夢を見続けている 朝も昼も夜も
亡くしていた者をやっと見つけた それは曖昧な感情だった
故の取り替えせぬ過ちを 贖い続けている

Asai nemuri ni unasarete iru hidoku mugoku kurai yume o mite iru
Mori no okufukaku izanawareru bukimi de ibitsu na yume o mite iru
Usotsuki neko ga kuchi o hiraita "kiyoku tadashiku sunao deare" to
Tsudou gunshuu no kage minna sorotte tonaete iru majinai no tagui

Accipere quam facere injuriam praestat
Accipere quam facere injuriam praestat
Accipere quam facere injuriam praestat
Accipere quam facere injuriam praestat

“Kimi no ban da”

Odore odore tenohira no ue marionetto ga gotoku yoru o mae
Hora ote o awasete ogamu "kami wa shinda, mou sukui wa nai"
Oyoge oyoge kodoku no mure tsumi ni batsu o aku ni wa sabaki o kudase
Juuji o kitte tada inoru dake

“I'll never forgive, you no matter what you say”

Asai nemuri ni unasarete iru hidoku mugoku kurai yume o mite iru
Ate mo naku tada meiro o meguru tsukare hatete yagate me ga sameru
Nightie tokei no hari wa gozen ni, sanji nease ni nureru hadaketa nightie
Barukoniija monotarizu kigae sumasete rifuresshu yoru no machi o aruiteku

Yakou haikai risou musou gensou kakuu no mojiretsu o tou
Madou meimetsu o kurikaeshite iru shingou hodou mukou ni wa shiryou
Omowazu kakedashite nigekonda jidou yuuen ni wa kuroi neko
"Nogarerareru to omou na yo" furimukeba yume de mita kage no mure no gasshou

Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot
Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot
Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot
Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot

“Furuete nemure”

Hashire hashire mawashiguruma nezumi no you ni oroka ni hitasura ni
Hora hitai ni te o ate ogamu "kami wa shinda, mou sukui wa nai"
Nemure nemure kodoku ni shine tsumi ni batsu o aku ni wa sabaki o kudase
Juuji o kitte tada inoru dake

Sagashite ita mono wa tatta hitotsu datta wasurerarenai kioku no kakera
Samenai yume o mitsuzukete iru asa mo hiru mo yoru mo
Nakushite ita mono o yatto mitsuketa sore wa aimai na kanjou datta
Yue no torikaesenu ayamachi o kuyamitsuzukete iru


“Chaban wa owari da”

Odore odore tenohira no ue marionetto ga gotoku yoru o mae
Hora ote o awasete tsugeru "kami wa koroshita, sukui wa nai"
Warae warae boutoku no sue tsumi ni batsu o? naraba sabaki o kudasu
Juuji o kitte tada inoru dake

Sagashite ita mono wa tatta hitotsu datta wasurerarenai kioku no kakera
Samenai yume o mitsuzukete iru asa mo hiru mo yoru mo
Nakushite ita mono o yatto mitsuketa sore wa aimai na kanjou datta
Yue no torikaesenu ayamachi o aganaitsuzukete iru

Frightened and terrified in a shallow slumber, I saw a horrible, cruel and dark dream
I am tempted into a deep forest, I saw an unsettling, twisted dream
The lying cat opens its mouth "be bright, righteous and honest",
and the shadow of a gathering crowd, are all chanting some kind of curse together

- It's better to accept than to deceive - (It is better to suffer an injustice than to inflict one)[1]
- It's better to accept than to deceive - (It is better to suffer an injustice than to inflict one)
- It's better to accept than to deceive - (It is better to suffer an injustice than to inflict one)
- It's better to accept than to deceive - (It is better to suffer an injustice than to inflict one)

Now it's your turn

Dance! Dance! Under the palms above, just like a marionette dancing the night away
See, I put my hands together and pray "God is dead, there is no salvation anymore"
Swim! Swim! Through a swarm of kodoku. Punish the guilty! Deliver judgement to evil!
Carve out a cross and just pray

"xxxxx" ("I'll never forgive you, no matter what you say")

Frightened and terrified in a shallow slumber, I saw a horrible, cruel and dark dream
I'm just aimlessly walking around in a maze, worn out, and tired, I eventually wake up
The clock count is at 2, 3 am. I'm drenched with cold sweats in my bed nightie
The balcony was not enough, so I changed clothes to refresh and walk through the streets at night

Wandering the night, ideals, dreams, illusions, questioning fictitious lines of text
Lost and confused, the traffic lights are flickering as I pass the street. Dead spirits are on the other side
I ran out without a second thought and fled into a black cat in a kids playground
"Don't think you can run away" When I turn around, I see the shadows in my dreams gather around singing

- Devote your eyes before you shut off your vision - (An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, a foot for a foot)
- Devote your tongue before you utter useless words - (An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, a foot for a foot)
- Cut off your arms before they are taken - (An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, a foot for a foot)
- You don't need those legs to run away anymore - (An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, a foot for a foot)
"Shiver as you sleep"

Run! Run! Make the wheels turn, just like a mouse, foolishly running on a hamster wheel
Come now, put your hands together on your forehead and pray "God is dead, there is no salvation anymore"
Sleep! Sleep! Die alone. Punish the guilty! Deliver judgement to evil!
Carve out a cross and just pray

What I was searching for was just one thing. The fragments of an unforgettable memory
I am in a relentless nightmare that I can't wake up from, no matter if it's morning or night
I finally found the thing that I was missing. It was just an ambiguous and unclear feeling
I made an irreversible mistake. The feeling of regret continues on

Go to sleep

"The charade is over"

Dance! Dance! Under the palms above, just like a marionette dancing the night away
See, I put my hands together and say "God is dead, there is no salvation"
Laugh! Laugh! The end of blasphemy. Punish the guilty? Well then deliver judgement!
Carve out a cross and solemnly pray

What I was searching for was just one thing. The fragments of an unforgettable memory
I am in a relentless nightmare that I can't wake up from, no matter if it is morning or noon or night
I finally found the dead and deceased that was lost. It was just an ambiguous and unclear feeling
Since I made an irreversible mistake. I continue to pray for my sins

English translation by yujifa_9


To be added

Video Sequence[]

The music video starts with a camera filming an empty Shinto shrine in the dark. It slowly zooms in, and then Akari appears on screen. She walks in front of the camera then suddenly appears close up. She smiles, and then shows the viewer two pieces of paper. She turns around, and is then shown drawing a magic circle with a stick around a plush cat. She adds a total of seven candles all one by one, and picks one up for herself. The magic circle then turns blue and spins around without the cat. The camera shows Akari again still with her candle as a blue flame emits from it. The screen flashes, as Akari's pupils retracts and chants something to the candle.

Next, Akari stands behind the moon as the lyrics of the song flash all around her. At first she looks a bit nervous with sweat dripping from her face, but then takes a hammer of lunges it towards something as the camera zooms into her eyes. The camera cuts back to the magic circle, still blue, but the plush cat and candles are back. Akari’s hand is in front of it, revealing that she destroyed the cat with the hammer.

The screen cuts to black, then fades to Akari lying in bed. The camera zooms closer to her, then cuts to her clock to reveal the time she woke up: 2:00. She gets up, and puts on her jacket, but then it cuts to her in a strange world colored with purple and blues hues. Her body glitches from normal to all black, as she suddenly turns to her right nervously. She continues to glitch as traffic lights flash behind her. Akari sits down, still behind the dream-like world, as she is greeted by an all black cat that sits in front of her. She looks at the ground where three blue shadows come closer to her as the screen flashes. It fades, then reveals Akari again as she holds her head as the camera zooms in closer. She holds her head with both hands now, clearly panicking. She looks directly at the camera with a scared look as it gets closer, then cuts to the moon and black.

Akari is now seen running in an alleyway before it disappears into a void. She then trips on a soda can, falling back as a white cat sits behind her, watching her. She now lies on the ground, looking at the camera with a distracted look. The screen cuts again, now bringing back the magic circle, except this time all the candles are lit with a blue flame and the cat plush has been torn up. Akari is shown again lying next to the circle, before it disappears and she looks nervous again. A flashback happens, showing outlined silhouettes of two men who are laughing at something in their phone. Another man is shown with two girls who seem to be swooning over him. Akari’s silhouette appears behind them alone. She looks at the camera in disgust, clenching onto her books. She pulls out her phone, and then grabs a set of items: a stick, rope, a pack of matches, a piece of paper, a book, a hammer, a lock of braided hair, and the same plush cat from earlier. The camera focuses on the plush cat, matches, and then Akari who is holding her head down while smiling nervously. The camera from the start of the music video is shown again with a loading screen, before revealing Akari's dark silhouette as she smiles, grabbing the viewer.

Akari is shown again standing upside down on top of the magic circle with a crazy look on her face as the lyrics of the song flash around. A set of blank papers and red string are shown along with other assorted things around the magic circle. The paper shows the magic circle symbol all over it and Akari sits in the middle in a kneeling stance, looking at the viewer. She reaches up for a blood red moon, then the temple is shown again in the center of the string and paper. The loading screen appears as well, the cuts to the same scene but revealing a white cat sitting in the middle. The loading screen appears again, but cuts to a close up of a black cat’s yellow eyes.

The title of the song is shown, behind it is the loading screen on a TV in a dark room. Credits play, revealing a person who is watching the TV. A strange symbol appears as the screen fades to black; the music video ends.


External Links[]





Music Video[]



  1. "Accipere quam facere injuriam praestat" is an old Latin expression which means that it's better to be the victim than the perpetrator and that you should focus on your own choices rather than the injustices others inflict.