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Amane Amasaki (甘崎 アマネ Amazaki Amane[?]) is an original character by Nia and protagonist of the song Linaria.

A girl who fell in love with a "normal child".


Amane has long light blue bangs, two low buns at the back with long hair sweeping out, and a long, curled ahoge. She has blue eyes that are the same color as her hair and wears a black blazer over a white dress shirt, along with a black skirt and black mid-calf socks.


Amane is described as being abnormally stubborn, as she continually tries to befriend Mene, despite being ignored.[1] She doesn't have a charismatic personality, and has to ask for advice on every action that she does for Mene. [2] Amane admires "normalcy", and wishes to have it.


Yuu Yuumukai[]

They have been friends since childhood and are shown to be very close. Amane trusts Yuu and tells her about her crush, and seeks advice from her; however, she doesn't notice that Yuu has a crush on her.[2][3]

Mene Tame[]

Amane falls in love with Mene for her plain looks and calm atmosphere. She had admired Mene for having something that she did not, which was her normalcy.[4] Amane tries to get close to Mene to befriend her; however, her interest is not reciprocated, as she is ignored by Mene when she tries to talk to her.[1] Despite Amane possibly loving Mene at the start for her normalcy, she soon realizes how troubled Mene is.[4] Still, despite her realization, Amane continues to care about Mene, encouraging her to accept herself as-is.

Karen Renda[]

Karen stands in Amane's way as a love rival, as Karen shortly falls in love with Mene after finding out that Amane was in love with Mene. Karen prevents Amane from making any major moves to be closer to Mene.[2][5]


Amane (アマネ[?]) has various meanings depending on the kanji used, possible ones being "甘音" (甘("sweet, sugary, gentle, lenient."), 音 ("sound, noise.")), "明茉寧" (明("bright, clear, obvious.") 茉("Jasmine"), 寧("tranquility, peace, calmness.")), and "愛音" (愛("love, affection, fondness."), 音("sound, noise."))

Amasaki (甘崎 Amazaki[?]) Means (甘 ("sweet, sugary, gentle, lenient."), 崎 ("cape, promontory."))


In Gods' Miniature Garden, Amane is the childhood friend of Yuu Yuumukai, who has had a crush on her since they were children, which Amane hasn't noticed.[3] In high school, Amane falls in love with a normal girl called Mene Tame from her plain looks and calm atmosphere, which is contrary to Mene's actual dark looks and crazy obsession with "abnormality". Amane tried to become friends with Mene, attempting to convince her that nothing in the world was truly "ordinary"; however, Mene ignores both Amane's advice and existence.[3][1][6] Amane constantly consults Yuu for advice but hasn't taken any major moves to befriending Mene because of Karen Renda soon coming to stand in her way as a love rival.[2]



Everyone is Human.[]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2"異常にやたらと固執する‘‘普通の子’’に恋をする女の子/A girl who falls in love with a "normal child" who is abnormally stubborn." "クラスで一緒になった彼女の比較的地味(暗め)なルックスと落ち着いた雰囲気(頭の中で‘‘異常’’を妄想しているだけで別に落ち着いてはいない)が気になり、仲良くなるために積極的に関わろうとするが、‘‘普通の子’’は反応が乏しくほぼ無視される/They met in class together, and she became interested in her relatively plain (dark) looks and calm atmosphere (she was just fantasizing about "abnormalities" in her head, so she wasn't particularly calm), and tries to get close to her in order to make friends with her. However, the "normal child" do not respond well and mostly ignores her."
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3" ‘‘普通の子に恋する子’’は彼女が行動を起こす度に、都度‘‘幼馴染’’へ相談/A "child who falls in love with a normal child" consults a "childhood friend" every time she takes action." Even though her "childhood Friend" has been consulted, she is not satisfied and says, "I will have more time to talk with my "childhood friend" ", so she has not taken any major action. " ‘‘普通の子に恋する子’’もあまり頭のキレる性格では無いため、‘‘恋’’に恋するこの行動は徐々にエスカレートしていく/The "child who falls in love with a normal child" does not have a very sharp personality, so her behavior of falling in love with "love" gradually escalates."
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2"甘崎 アマネ(アマサキ アマネ)/Amazaki Amane (Amasaki Amane)" "平凡なんかじゃないと メネ に伝えても、彼女の声は届いていない。/Even though she tells Mene that nothing is ordinary, her voice doesn't reach her." "夕向 ユウ(ユウムカイ ユウ)/Yumukai Yuu (Yumukai Yuu)" "She is Amane's childhood friend, and she has been hiding from her ever since they were young." "簾田 カレン(レンダ カレン)/Renda Karen (Renda Karen)" "精神的に不安定で、容姿からは想像もつかない突飛な行動に走りがち。/She is mentally unstable and tends to do strange things that are unimaginable from her appearance." "思い込みが激しく、自己暗示が得意。/She has very strong assumptions and self-suggestion is her strong point." "生島 イクミ(イクシマ イクミ)/Ikushima Ikumi (Ikushima Ikumi)" " “先生”に恋する女の子。/A girl who falls in love with her “teacher.” " "大人への憧れが人一倍あり、大人っぽい外見によらずこどもっぽい性格。/She yearns for adults more than most people, and has a childish personality despite her adult appearance."
  4. 4.0 4.1 Linaria"悲しそうに俯いた横顔 何かに恋焦がれる君 私にないものがあるから憧れたの/Sad-looking profile with eyes downcast You are yearning for something I admired you as you had something that I didn't"
  5. "‘‘恋すること’’に対して執着している子/A child who is obsessed with "falling in love" " "精神的に不安定であり、容姿からは想像もつかない突飛な行動をする ‘‘普通の子に恋する子’’の様子を見て彼女に標的を定め、自身に対して「普通の子に恋している」と暗示をかけ、恋敵として立ち塞がる/She is mentally unstable and acts in strange ways that are unimaginable from her appearance. Seeing the behavior of a "girl who falls in love with an ordinary girl", she targets her, suggests to herself that she is "in love with a normal girl", and stands in her way as a love rival."
  6." ‘‘普通の子’’は常に‘‘異常’’とは何かを妄想しており、目線の先は大抵‘‘注目’’を浴びている別の女子に向けられているため、彼女のアプローチは‘‘普通の子’’には届かない少し残念な子/The "normal girl" is always delusional about what "abnormality" is, and her eyes are usually directed toward the girl who is receiving "attention", so she is always delusional about what "abnormality" means. It's a little disappointing that her approach doesn't reach that of a "normal child".